The voices of the sea winds bring the unknown soul of Elkano.

The tricky voices of the sea winds. They have told us of the exploits of the sailor from Getaria. We have heard the heroic version of the odyssey that was to sail round the world. We have read the different profiles of Elcano in real or interested contexts: navigator, impostor, the fisherman who spoke Basque with the mermaids, the bloodthirsty soldier in favour of the crown, the generous lover, the cowardly rapist, faithful to his crew, traitor to his superiors in office, loyal to the Spanish emperor, Renaissance enlightened, devout, the Christian who signed a secret pact with the devil, the man who was overcome by his manhood, the son who was brought up with humanity... it can be cheap to put labels on the memory.

Coincidentally, in all journeys of no return there is always something forgotten. Someone waiting. Mute. Silenced by history.

The adventure is in your hands. Here you will not find new interpretations of history. Or maybe you will. Here you will not find truths or lies about the times Joan Sebastián Elkano lived through. Or maybe you will. Here, at most, you will learn a little more about yourself.

Or maybe you won't. And doubting is no small thing.